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The digital transformation, under debate in Bogotá

By Nae — May 14, 2015

Ginés Alarcón, CEO of Nae, will explain how the new digital context and recent social transformation will affect traditional businesses

“Digital transformation is based on technology. However, it is the means, and not the end. They key is to understand new customers, who now have (and demand) new digital capabilities: freedom, accessibility, requirements, transparency, diversion, speed, innovation, and collaboration.”

On May 19th, the Colombo American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) and Nae have organized a meeting in Bogotá on competitiveness and businesses in the field of digital transformation.

Ginés Alarcón, CEO of Nae, will explain how the new digital context and recent social transformation will affect traditional businesses, customer relations, and operations management.

May 19th
7:00 a.m. a 9:00 a.m.
Edificio Calle 100
Calle 98 No. 22 – 64
Of. 1209 Bogotá D.C.

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