We can overcome challenges together #race4all

No matter how hard a challenge is, it can be overcome by working together, so we invite you to join us in a challenge: to travel 150,000 km
The fight against cancer is making progress on a daily basis thanks to the commitment of countless people who work hard to help treat this disease. These individuals, combined with advances in research and technology, provide us with revolutionary solutions that allow us to imagine a future that is full of optimism.
Nae believes that no matter how hard a challenge is, it can be overcome by working together, so we invite you to join us in a challenge. Our aim is to travel 150,000 km by walking, running, or cycling, and if we reach this goal, we will donate €6,000 to the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (Spanish Association Against Cancer). Together, and in a healthy manner, we can contribute towards a cause that affects everyone.
Go to iWOPI for information on how to connect your training app in order to donate your km. Let’s get moving!
Merry Christmas and Happy 2016!