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Report: The Consultancy Market in Spain

By Nae — October 3, 2016

5.2% of growth in 2015, improved expectations, and digitalization as the major transversal challenge

The British firm Source Global Research has published a study on the status of the Spanish consulting market, with contributions from Cristóbal Escoda, Managing Director of Nae.

The report notes that in 2015, the consulting market was able to reach growth levels similar to those from before the crisis, and although it warns of the consequences of political uncertainty, 2016 is expected to be even better, especially in the field of digitalization: “Organizations are increasingly prepared to implement digital initiatives. The demand for digitalization will take off,” explained Cristóbal, who highlighted investments from the finance industry as well as interest in the omni-channel concept and improved customer relationships.

In the area of digital transformation, another key aspect is that “organizations aim to simplify their processes and operations for optimal efficiency and quality.”

As far as the telecommunications industry, Cristóbal highlighted that telecommunications providers are “investing significantly in next-generation networks such as 4G, FTTH, and LTE, and this is creating a great deal of demand for infrastructure and operations consulting.”

The study, which also notes the expansion trend towards Latin America, the United States, and Asia, as well as Europe’s interest in outsourcing to Spanish companies, concludes that the forecast for 2017 is very optimistic once a government is established and given the current trends.

Additional information: The Spanish Consulting Market in 2016 (Source Global Research, 2016).

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Jordi Meya
Jordi Meya

Technology Business Unit director

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