It's your time. Be the change
To have a positive impact on society, it is necessary to act. At Nae, we do this by supporting causes we share values with and care deeply about. You can become an activist too by choosing your New Year's resolution.

Now we want to hear you
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
And you can’t say the usual “I’ll join a gym” or “I’ll try to eat more vegetables.” We invite you to go one step further; imagine the change you want to see in society and think about how to make it happen.
Which of these three resolutions do you most identify with?
I am a sustainability activist
Because I’m concerned with the world in which we live because it’s our home and I believe we can do things better. Contaminate less, use resources in a more sustainable manner, better protect the species with whom we coexist, and in summary, live in a way that is more beneficial to others.
We’re so happy you’ve joined us! The people who work at Nae are also sustainability activists. We partner with Ripple Africa, an organization that provides fuel-efficient cookstoves to people in Malawi.
I am a diversity activist
Since I believe that everyone is unique, with different skills, gender, sexual orientation, culture, ideology and more. But we’re also the same, which is why I fight against stereotypes. Because we can build a better world through diversity.
Good choice! We’re also diversity activists ;). Year after year, we have been supporting Wisibilízalas, a team of people committed to diversity and who work hard to eliminate gender stereotypes in science and technology fields.
I'm an inclusion activist
Because I dream of a society where everyone fits in, and social exclusion does not exist. I take action to promote individual dignity by empowering people and promoting active citizenship.
We love that you have joined this cause! Like you, we view ourselves as inclusion activists. Nae supports Homeless Entrepreneur, an organization that seeks to eliminate homelessness and poverty through work opportunities.